News & Resources

News & Resources

Flexible staffing positions are becoming the norm these days. Many people are no longer content to sit in a cubicle all day or work the same job for decades. Flexible...

Finding flexible staffing options isn’t always easy, although today’s workforce is leaning more and more toward flexible jobs. There are a few tried and true ways to ferret out flexible...

As sighted by statistics in the labor force index provided by The American Staffing Association, since the 2008-2010 recessions, the number of temporary or contingent jobs has outpaced the growth...

Symphony Placements is on the move!  One of the key to our team’s success is our relationships with our clients.  Bringing harmony to clients workplace and staffing recruitment is key...

Symphony Placements, a full service flexible staffing and human resource solutions company, located in Baltimore County announces their Founder and CEO Wanda Smith is a finalist for the second consecutive...

Team Symphony always “Brings Harmony” to the game! We are ready for Opening Day Baltimore Style. We are also “Kicking Off the Casey Cares 7th Annual 5K Oriole Run Walk” More details...

Wanda Smith delivered a powerful presentation to a group of Seniors at Towson University October 1, 2015 on the Topic of Business Leadership and Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly...

Wanda Smith, CEO Founder of Symphony Placements, a flexible staffing firm in Maryland, is honored to be named for two consecutive years on the #Inc5000 List of Fastest Growing Companies...

Wanda Smith on AHA Business Radio, Tuesday, August 11th 6-7pm ET 1300 WJZ-AM Talk Radio AHA Business Host Allan Hirsh had a very candid conversation with Wanda Smith, Founder and...