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Screening Millennials is Tricky: Watch Out for These Issues

\By the end of this year, Millennials are likely to outnumber Baby Boomers in the working world. The world is changing and so are the things employees look for when searching for a job. Of course, it’s important to background screen employees before bringing them onboard. But screening Millennials is a totally different process. Here are a few challenges to consider when researching potential candidates.

Leave Social Media Screening to the Professionals
Many companies use social media as a way to screen their candidates. While this can reveal a lot of helpful information, it can also lead to a lot of problems. There are legal issues pertaining to social media job screening, especially if the candidate’s profile contains religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or other information protected by anti-discrimination laws. Leave the social media sleuthing to professionals, such as the staff at Symphony Placements, who understand the legal fine print.

Don’t Rule Out Job-Hoppers
Don’t judge candidates if they have a diverse history of job types. The Baby Boomer generation took pride in staying with one career for many years, but that’s not the way it is with Millennials. In fact, 91% of Millennials spend only three years or less at a job. Millennials like to try different careers to see what’s right for them. Focus on their skill sets, not their job history. Symphony Placements will find employees based on personality tests and skill sets. Who knows? We might even find you a Millennial who wants to stay for a while.

Beware of Age Discrimination
Age discrimination is a big thing in the hiring world. Many companies want to target Millennials, but specifically stating an age bracket has a lot of legal risks. If you’re looking to hire younger talent, you have to speak their language. But you also have to do so in a way that doesn’t discriminate. Symphony Placements finds candidates based on individual skills, not age. And that’s important to Millennials. Contact us to find out about our superior temp staffing services.