Saving You Time and Money
Symphony Placements’ temporary to direct hire staffing solutions offers a variety of benefits, from saving your business time and money to matching the right people with the right careers. We specialize in understanding people’s strengths and skills, and placing them with companies who need those skills. We match people to the right career and the right company culture.
One of the benefits of temporary to direct hire staffing is saving time and money. By choosing to go through a staffing agency you are saving yourself all of the agonizing hours you would spend sorting through resumes and cover letters. Let us find the right candidate for you. We also take care of payroll and taxes, so no headaches there!
Contact us today for Temporary to Direct staffing!
Finding the Right Fit
Another benefit of temporary to direct hire staffing is the opportunity to try out a candidate for a 90-day guarantee period to ensure that they are the right candidate. If you are not satisfied with your temporary to direct hire employee within 90 days then we will replace that candidate at no extra cost. Our goal is low turnover and we will do everything we can to match the perfect candidate to their perfect career.
Not only do we match people to their perfect careers, we specialize in placing people with a company culture where each candidate will fit right in. With over 30 years of staffing experience, we can spot which candidate would fit which company, whether that be in accounting, call center, computer technology, human resources and any other field you need covered.
Even if you’re not looking for short-term employees, a temporary staffing agency can be the perfect place to begin your search. Symphony Placements is proud to offer temporary to direct hire and we excel in matching candidates with companies. From recruiting to assessing skills and hiring, we take care of all your employee staffing needs.