News & Resources

News & Resources

As sighted by statistics in the labor force index provided by The American Staffing Association, since the 2008-2010 recessions, the number of temporary or contingent jobs has outpaced the growth...

Being an administrative assistant involves a great deal of typing, phone calls, dictation, and organization. Knowing exactly what is expected of an administrative assistant is important to determining whether you...

The legal industry is highly competitive right now; therefore, qualified candidates constantly struggle to find decent jobs. However, using job agencies to find temporary legal work can lead to promising...

Symphony Placements participated in the Ravens Huddle for 100 event, in partnership with Baltimore Hunger Project! Baltimore Hunger Project is dedicated to eliminating the growing problem of weekend childhood hunger by consistently providing...

An executive assistant is a step up from your basic administrative assistant. The ability to multitask and communicate effectively cannot be overstated. While administrative assistants are expected to be a...

November brings us to giving thanks with our families and over eating, but it also signals another year of Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees. Again for 2018 Symphony Placements employees...

The ASA annual convention and expo—the most important learning and networking event in the industry—took place at National Harbor in October. Staffing companies from all over the world for a...

Symphony Placements gives back to a new charity. TEAM UP FOR 1, a three year old charity, who matches physically and mentally challenged children to sports teams in High School,...

Nurses and medical professionals go through a great deal of intensive preparation to become qualified in their positions, yet they often struggle to find a job at the end of...

Customer Service Jobs Individuals who enjoy interacting with a variety of people on a daily basis should consider pursuing a career in customer service. Customer service jobs are challenging and...