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How Staffing Agencies Can Lead You to a Long-Term Job

Staffing Agencies

While staffing agencies are often synonymous with temporary job placement, many companies rely on them for more than temp work. A lot of companies use staffing services to hire temporary employees for the same reason job-seekers themselves do. Each party benefits from using staffing companies; employers and job seekers get to “try” each other out to make sure company and employee needs align.

Many times, a job advertised as temporary will become permanent, and these companies just want to be sure their new hire is up to company standards, whether in skill, personality, or similar values. After all, it can cost businesses thousands of dollars to hire a new employee, so a temporary trial run is financially beneficial. If you find a temporary job you want to turn into a career, there are a few ways to prove your worth and land a permanent position.

Become a Master at Your Skills
If you are genuinely interested in turning your temporary job into a permanent career, you should take every avenue available to build upon and master your skills. Consulting with a staffing company like Symphony Placements can help you discern what those skills are. Staffing companies are experienced at forecasting career paths for candidates and can help you determine what skills you need for the job, in addition to how to learn them. Pay attention to the tasks you perform every day at your new job and take extra steps to improve your performance.

Showing Up On Time and Give 110%
This should be a no brainer. If you like a job, show up for it! Better yet, show up a few minutes early each day to prove your dedication. While you’re there, go out of your way to be an exceptional worker. Complete your tasks efficiently and correctly, take the time to listen to your directives, and go out of your way to help out co-workers. Make yourself invaluable, so when your contract is up, your manager would prefer to hire you rather than seeing you go. It’s not unheard of for business owners to create a new position just for a well-liked employee.

Voice Your Feelings
If you love your temporary job, speak up! Your manager will enjoy hearing how much you like the job and why. Let your staffing agency know, as well. They will try to communicate with the company to get you a permanent position. In the unfortunate event that the position just isn’t a possible permanent opportunity, the staffing agency will help you find jobs of similar caliber and let you know when a comparable position opens at the company.

If you’re ready to start your hunt for the perfect job opportunity, contact Symphony Placements today.