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Looking for Staffing? 3 Tips for Finding the Perfect Employee

Finding the perfect employee may feel like searching for a unicorn, but there are undeniably people who will benefit your company more than others. The trick is recognizing which people are best suited to join your company and ensuring another company doesn’t hire them first. The following are several ways a recruiter can fill open positions with the most promising candidates.

Similarly, many college students seek out admired companies at job fairs, and express great interest in working for the company as soon as they have graduated. These students, who actively seek out company representatives, are valuable because they are both qualified and very interested in helping the firm succeed.

1. Visit universities. This is a longstanding tradition of many established businesses, and its continued existence is a testament to its success. Job fairs at college campuses are a way for companies to connect with ambitious students and soon-to-be graduates and seek out new talent. Some companies develop traditions of hiring only graduates of specific programs, especially if they have found the graduates of that program always contribute heavily to the company’s success.

2. Use online resources. Job boards and social media sites like LinkedIn are resources that both job seekers and recruiters should take advantage of. The internet is a powerful tool for many different industries, and its ability to connect people and find good job placements for workers and employers has not yet been fully tapped. By using these online networking tools, companies can get in contact with people of similar backgrounds and education as their current employees, recruiting accomplished friends and acquaintances of trusted workers.

3. Use a staffing agency. Temporary staffing agencies exist to connect employers and job seekers, and are able to make successful connections in any job situation. For companies looking for permanent staff members, agencies assign the position to a qualified and experienced worker looking for a long term position. For companies needing a temporary worker to take over a position for two weeks, the staffing agency will provide someone who learns quickly and is only looking for temporary employment.

Some staffing agencies only cater to one or two different industries, while others have clients in every industry. Symphony Placements, for example, serves companies in legal, healthcare, clerical, accounting, IT, and other industries. All temporary agents are evaluated and subjected to thorough screening to ensure they have no criminal history or other unsatisfactory background. Employees with particular sets of skills and experience are assigned jobs to which they are most suited.

Many of the agents working for Symphony Placements are experienced professionals, able to do both entry level work and more complicated jobs requiring confidence, poise, and training. Some staffing agencies, Symphony Placements included, offer a number of training and education opportunities to ensure workers are as qualified as possible for any position that becomes available.

Contact Symphony Placements today for more information, or to learn how companies can use staffing agencies to find ideal candidates for job openings. For more information about job fairs, job boards, and online resources, research job openings or use the resources available at Symphony Placements’ website.